
leopard coat asos, rings from fuckyeahrings flickr and all other images from google.

On my love list:
Leopard faux fur coats i'm really hoping I get the one that i saw in the next advert for my birthday. The immenent return of ANTM, still loving BNTM ofcoarse, tiff for the win. Silk shirts, I really want to find one in a charity shop for like 50p other then that i've spotted one in H&M for £8 but it's not perfect it's nice but not really silky enough. Wagamamas mhm sister treated me to dinner, rad. Having an older sister that's generous is definitely up there! Yes like everyone else I am digging rings a lot, especially quirky a little bit on the ecentric side. Glitter nail polishes, liquid hard metal for the nails! whats not to love? My favourites being ruby red and electric blue!

Not Loving so much...
Leggings as one of my friends statuses read on facebook:
Amelia Cain why do girls think leggings are a good substitute for a pair of denims/skirt//trousers etc.?? honestly, your hiney should be kept under a sufficient thickness of fabric. noone wants to see your primark undies. rant over. Hollyoaks, it actually makes me feel a little bit sick. and definitely not so keen on my hands and feet always feeling cold!

What's on your love/hate lists right now?

One of my favourite films, that I can't watch without the story moving me and sob my little heart out. Me and my sister have made it a bit of a tradition of watching this film after doing a bit of packing (I finally did some, I hope your proud!) before we go on holiday and eating co op double choc cookies (well we did it once and this is the 2nd time haha)


Shake & Bake

Serena (first series days) doodle

Anyone catch The season premiere of Gossip Girl last wednesday on ITV2? Oh how I love Sky+ (I am a massive tv geek) I am very much intruiged with the whole Chuck situation at the mo, maybe because I missed a few episodes of the last series 'cos I wasn't really feeling it but he's all hot and mysterious again, mm.

My blood test was a okay my arm did fall off but I managed to stitch it back on so s'all goood! I was more pissed that it was so early and that it was cold and drizzly outside, gash.

I've just cooked me and my friend a rather beautiful dinner of roasted vegetable pasta, nom! We need all that extra fibre for zumba tonight (brown pasta, booyeah) I can't wait! We're just watching a film whilst waiting for our food to go down to get ourselves pumped up before excercising by playing a bit of wii (best purchase my family ever made).

Aurora Borealis


Current creative inspo: Northern lights, Glitter, Sparkle, Furry critters of the wintery variety,
autumnal scenes, classic romace, sepia tones.

1. I have a blood test tomorrow morning which equals sad face they are a bit of a fear of mine. Yes I have a tattoo and piercings but they are very different you get something you want after those procedures and you most certainly do not get a doctor draining you of blood.. yeah it is a bit twisted but they are most definitely very different! And because I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything apart from water right now (though I did just have a cheeky brew, shh) I have convinced myself I am beyond hungry, even though I don't usually eat this late anyway all physcosamatic(sp?) I am sure.

2. I've finished the first illustrations for the new project I am doing with Melissa of Oh, My Darling and they await in her inbox right now! That means I can let you all in on it very soon and you'll be able to see what we've been up to.
3. I have my suitcase sitting in the middle of my room at the moment with piles of things chucked into it. I suck at packing big time and I just can't be arsed to think about it properly because I have so much to do, I am seriously excited for Sunday to come though. This holiday is very much needed. I love flying especially the taking off (such a big kid at heart) I have all the important things ready of coarse like the fruit sherberts to combat ear popping... I  haven't sorted out the currency yet though.



Theme- Acrobat

Laptop virus update: Basically my Dad has got rid of it BUT I don't seem to be able to tweet or blog on it... (Uh!) I can access my email, facebook, see my blog and fellow tweeters but I cannot participate, oh hi frustration! I seriously need a blackberry or an iphone in my life, which is better? I'm a tech novice. Then when situations like this arise I have a back-up, plus I just reaaaally want one! It's annoying because I want to be able to check and read all of your blogs and comment, I feel so out of the loop even though it's only been a couple of days/ Self pity over now haha.

EDIT: After writting this, I just went down stairs and had a little tinker on my laptop and I think my gem of a dad may have fixed it! Preparing myself for a major proactive blogging/internet/networking sesh! WOO. Looks like I spoke or typed to soon :( I went to tweet again and surprise surprise it's being a little madam again!


Spotty Socks

Today is illustrated for Untried Magazine.

Illustration from Wednesday which for Untried Magazine. I've not been able to get onto my flikr, twitter to update or access my own folders as I still can't get on my laptop it has a fake anti virus shield which isn't dangerous but is actually a virus within itself. The process to rid my laptop of it looks particularly lenghty and until then I can't use the Internet (so monopolising my sisters!) because I have no anti-virus protection on it now which it also wiped from it. Obviously I'm glad it's not a real trojan horse or identity theft programme but it is still overly annoying!

What have you all been up to on this autumnal weekend? I'm pretty physched that Costa have started their flavoured lattes again, gingerbread, roasted hazelnut and caramel, mmm. Tastes like Christmas in a cup! Right speaking of Christmas something totally un-related and not slightly festive, I need to start preparing some posts for when I'm on holiday. I want to be organised so I'm not all in a tizz next weekend! Any suggestions?


Southsea Fest Review

King Charles

Let's Buy Happiness

Montage Populaire


Illustrations for a the Southsea festival review on Amelias Magazine.

I've had some lovely emails over the past couple of days which have really perked me up! I had an illustration proposition on Tuesday which is for an exciting new project with a fellow blogger so I'm really looking forward to that. Then yesterday Matt Bramford the fashion editor of Amelias Magazine emailed me to let me know how much the 10 o'clock horses (the band I illustrated for his eco wedding feature) loved my work and that they wanted to use the illustration for an album cover, later on I checked my flikr aswell and actually had a message from them on the illustration about using it for promotion and today Laura who I illustrated this review for forwarded me an email from Amelia about how much she loved the illustrations. It's so nice to feel recongnition and have a nice little confidence booster, yknow.
This was meant to be posted A LOT earlier but my laptop is having some scary spazz out session and I'm scared it has a crazy virus, so I am having to use my sisters computer to blog! wah. I have lots of new illustrations to share with you beauts but i'm hoping my laptop will snap out of it as they are all saved on to there. I feel so lost without my own files, favourites and saved passwords!


Pick 'n' Mix


Because I love a bit of drew, orange wednesdays and an eclection of sweets.

Next on the orange wednesday hit list are...
The Runaways, Eat Pray Love, Charlie St.Cloud (8th oct) Despicable Me (15th oct) Legend of the Guardians(15th oct)
Seen any good'uns recently?

I'm going to be shaking my money maker tonight! Me and my friend Michelle are doing a zumba class, I only heard about zumba a couple of weeks ago and then my friend found a class nearby and after you-tubing clips we thought we just had to give it a go because of how fun and energetic it looks. Definitely will be a laugh with the two of us doing it, I don't think were even be able to look at each other...

p.s don't forget ITV2 8pm new series of Gossip Girl starts (series link at the ready!)

edit- zumba was so much fun! really energetic and a proper good workout eg. hello hot, sweaty and a lovely tomato shade face. Definitely recommend it, were making it a weekly fixture now!

LFW - elliot j frieze illustration.


          Catwalk review written by Jemma Crow for Amelias Magazine. blue lips on males and females (this reminded me of the episode in friends were Joey advertised the lipstick for men in japan, classic)



Thoughts in pictures:
1.Italian Vogue editorial how enchanting and romantic ♥
2.deers, fawns and cute little creatures drawing them in ink and
3.The new Ikea advert featuring lots of lovely cats, wantwantwant!
4.Forests and the sun creeping through trees providing lots of autumnal inspo.

I've been a bit rubbish recently! I put this down to my the medicine that the doctors gave me. Today my appetite seems to have completely returned so it looks like the side affects may be wearing off, huzzzah. I'm currently full on marshmallow! It's also only 2 weeks til I go on holiday so I just have to keep that in mind as well to make me feel chipper. I started a new illustration earlier for my Etsy shop, It's along the same lines of my 'flame hair girl' illustration but think icicles, snow, Narnia ice queen, with a 60s feel. I'm really going with the chill in the air and drawing all these seasonal inspired goodies. I also finally set up my Etsy so when I'm ready to start selling I actually will be able to... I'm such a procrastinator it's ridic, I still haven't posted about the bags... sorry! I did my first LFW illustration last night for Amelia's Magazine which I will post up, once the article has gone live. I literally spent ages on one and completely hated it so started it again and finished it in like 10 minutes and was much happier with it, typical! I've also just been emailed another illustration request by Laura (I illustrated her Offset Review) so I have another festival to illustrate for Wednesday.

I've been thinking a lot recently (I know dangerous right) about going to Uni again next year. I studied fashion textiles at UCA for a year and I didn't enjoy the course so it would have been silly for me to stay on. It was more about moving away and having a uni experience, I'm so glad I went though because of the friends plus it helped me to decide that it was drawing I was passionate about. I really want to study Illustration at a London University, which would mean I could still live at home (saving money, the upside to living with rents) it would really help me concentrate on the course without distractions and I will be older and wiser (ha!) I can spend this year as a kind of gap year, travelling, part time work, doing illustrations for contributions and commissions as I will obviously need to build up a proper portfolio of them and having Etsy shop which would hopefully go in my favour when it comes to interviews. These are all just thoughts at the moment, If anyone wants to put their two cents in, please do! I was feeling particularly wordy tonight so thank you if you read all of my rambling, you deserve an ice-cream!


Blast from the past

Does anyone remember Round The Twist? My Brother bought the box set (too cool for school blates) a while ago and I now have that said box set in my room ready to watch. Its such a bizarre program but like most bizarre things it's utterly amazing at the same time. I love reminiscing about old TV programmes and cartoons it is probably one of my favourite topics of conversation, along with dreams, what I want to buy/wear/eat/draw... it's pretty high up there. Some other blasts from the pasts to whet your whistle, alex mack, sweet valley high, saved by the bell, hang time, boy meets world, zap and my all time favourite Aardvark, Arthur!

It's true I am indulging in some cartoon action (kid at heart!) but I'm gaining inspiration and ideas for some new illustrations, so I can get away with it. The chill in the air and wintry feel of today has got me all jinxed up to draw cute little fawns and little furry critters frolicking, chunky knits, all pastel sweet and northern lights. Picture an enchanted forest with the obligatory sparkle of coarse, I usually use my little fairy dust pot or Barry M dazzle dust but whilst in Toys R Us yesterday (finally got a wii!) I found some Reeves sparkle glitter glue type paint which is perfect to add to some of my illustrations.

Anyone else really feel like watching bambi now?

All Wrapped up in my winter woollies, sleep deprived, still feeling under the weather (I am feeling perkier though, thanks for the well wishing) with sketchbook in tow and cartoons to watch. I am also working on my sketchbook project which i have neglected apart from the odd little bit here and there but last night wolfs and where the wild things paid a visit to its pages, I've already pretty much decided I want to be Max from Where The Wild Things Are when he's wearing his wolf costume for Halloween, the very epitome of awesome.


Humble Abode (pt2)

      clutter, clutter vision.

I meant to post this yesterday but I didn't get round to doing it unfortunately as I've really not been feeling very well I've been put on some new meds as I keep getting terrible heart palpitations and that unease feeling in my chest and I've been taking them since Monday and for the first two weeks I read that it can make you feel very low and can have some side affects to which I seem to be suffering from like general queasiness, lack of appetite, insomnia, aches and restless legs. I am literally so tired but just can't sleep, I am a firm believer that I need 8 hours to function properly as a human being and each night that's been cut down by about 3 hours (since monday!) I have a new accessory though... some big black eyes.

mirrors, makeup, books, magazines, products, drawings, photos, jewellery
photos, marilyn, birdcage.

I decided to do a Humble Abode (pt2) post because let's face it we are all nosey parkers (as my stats did prove) and rightly so kiddos, I'm so glad that intrigues you just as much as it does me! This is my main desk/dressing table area right next to my bed and collage wall that I posted first here, as you can see the collage continues just a bit more sporadic. It looks a lot more cluttered in the picture even though I do have a lot of stuff it doesn't look quite like that IRL I like things to feel homely and full, I'm not really a minimalist type of gal as you can see!


H&M online

aviator jacket £25!
heart print dress £19.99
ankle wedge fleece trim boots £29.99

After many years of waiting for H&M to finally come into the 21st century and start online selling... Yesterday was that very day that they went live. The new website is so much easier to navigate (anyone who had been on the old one will appreciate this) After a good traipse, I fell in love with these three items in particular. Especially 'the aviator jacket' at just £25 that's rivaling Primarks prices! The heart print black dress with thick tights, aviator and little fleece trim wedge boots, Autumn bliss.



The 10 O'clock horses

An illustration I did a couple of weeks ago for an article on Amelias Magazine about an eco-wedding which has just gone live today. It's a great article written by Matt Bramford so be sure to check it out, it's fascinating to find out about alternative weddings and all the economical factors that are involved with putting on a big wedding which to be honest had never really crossed my mind. The orignal can be found here on my flikr.




Cor blimey! Edge Of Love is a bit of a depressing one. I had been meaning to see it for ages and when I found it on Amazon from a seller for something like £1.80 I though sweet... but after watching it, it just wasn't exactly what I was expecting. There was some lovely 1940s music, striking red lips and I do love all the photographs and stills from the film, but that's about it. Anyone else seen it, What did you think?

I finished my Gabby Young And Other Animals poster today. I started completely from scratch again because I really wasn't feeling it and it was becoming one of them 'i'm going to screw you up into a tiny ball and make a scene' moments! So scanned and emailed that off, hopefully I wasn't to late as for the life of me I couldn't find a date on the email or website as to when to have it sent by, eek.

Tomorrow I will be doing a Humble Abode pt2 post. Looking through my Stats and feedback it proves that a lot of you are similar to be and like having a nose and seeing what peoples rooms are like. I'm thinking my main desk/vanity area? like makeup bits and trinkets? Anything in particular you fancy?

Dont forget to check out my blog sale, I'm selling a Topshop stripey top, some vintage size 5 shoes, leopard cardigan and other little bits. I also have a few bits up on Ebay at the moment including a H&M camel coloured trench coat, look here.


Offset Review

I illustrated the Offset festival review for Amelias Magazine. The bands include La Shark (If you like Good shoes, Jamie T etc, I recommend listening to a little of La Shark!) Thomas Tantrum and Egyptian Hip Hop. The whole review written by Laura Nineham can be read here.

La shark

Megan from Thomas Tantrum

Egypitian Hip Hop.


Roald Dahl


September 13th
Official Roald Dahl Day.

I know of a lot of people whose childhood and growing up coincided with reading Roald Dahl books. I remember my brother and sister reading them, their books scattered around the house and I would be compelled by Quentin Blakes fabulous concoctions of illustrations accompanying the words. When I gained my fully functioned reading skills ,the very first book of his I read was The BFG which became a firm favourite I also loved watching the cartoon film version of it, The Big Friendly Giant being voiced by David Jason aka Del Boy! Along with The BFG I also love The Witches and Fantastic Mr Fox. I will always remember this book my sister had I think it was Revolting Rhymes and there was one in particular where Quentin had illustrated a little boy looking out of train window and his head had come off and the rhyme had something to do with never sticking your head out of a moving train because you never know what's coming. It use to stick in my head as a kid and I have all these other intermingled memories that have formed with it such as summer, being at my grandmas house and visiting the duck pond. I found it kind of morbidly fascinating, it's grim but funny at the same time.

What's your favourite Dahl book?

Trailer for the most recent adaptation and one of my favourites, Fantastic Mr Fox!
I am still blown away by the animation, puppetry, the general look of the whole film and the way they all say 'cuss' instead of swearing, genius.
Plus I'm a bit of a Wes Anderson!



Sail Away.

The past, romance, antique, fantasy, escape.
Just a quicky inspiration image collage post tonight there's something very sentimental and feminine about these images that really struck out to me, I love the touch of the green sparkle jar in reflection to the soft, dated and classic. As always with my photo collages they are of inspiration and photos that are ringing true to my thoughts at the moment.

I've updated the About page. Since I started this blog about 2 months ago, it has progressed and moved on. If there's anything else you want to know, ask away! 
PS. The beach themed birthday cake went down very well, he was chuffed with it!


Oh mumma.

It's grey, it's dreary and basically a horrible day in Surrey today, it's time to face that summer is basically over (though in 3 weeks time I will be experiencing the sun and heat in turkey as you can see i'm looking forward to this fact!) but to celebrate my friends birthday he is having a beach themed surfer party tonight with cocktails and lots of alcohol of coarse! 

My Sister and I spent yesterday making him an awesome cake even if I do say so myself. It's the first cake like it we've ever made and we were pretty meticulous about it all. The only part we can't take credit for is the little man we bought him along with lots of sparkle, glitter and dust for the cake from a little cake decorating shop down the road. We also have a little sign to stick in it which says 'Stuarts Birthday Island' but I photographed it before we made that. Whatchall think?

Listening to The Drums to relinquish the lost summer!


In Vogue...


'Russian Dolls'
Vogue Oct.

I know Vogue can be seen as such a cliche fashion lovers bible, but I do and have genuinely loved Vogue, sure some issues aren't as good and I will always have my favourites (Vogue Dec 2008 Winter Wonderland edition with Kate Moss on, amahaze) and whilst having a coffee earlier and absorbing the new issue, the Russian Dolls editorial and article really sustained my attention, the gorgeous costumes, garment detailing, embellishment and stunning photography. These typically themed, fun and dramatic editorials are always high on my list of favourites.


PS. Blog Sale- Up and running!
Click here.


My Today Illustration for my fortnightly feature over at UNTRIEDblog.
 I didn't actually post the illustration when I posted the link on Tuesday...
so I thought I would now :)

Wouldn't it be nice.

Daisy Kate over at Fashion Stereotype has featured me on her blog in a dedicated post, you will also find a little bit of an interview there aswell. We will also be working together soon! I've been commisioned to create an illustration as a blog give-away prize, exciiiiiting.

I plan to get a post sorted about the illustrated shopper bags that I want to sell on Etsy I have one all drawn up and would love to know what you think and have your input. They will literally all be hand illustrated so will that means they will be one offs, boo yeah! The fabric pens are so much fun and with a swift iron action on top they become fixed so no nasty running! Would anyone be interested in prints of the Blair Waldorf variety, let's say a Gossip Girl type series? I could do Serena and Jenny as well I would probably only do about 5 of each so  they would be a limited edition series and I could maybe do a pack of all three together, if theres interest? I'm brain-storming blogging here,sorry! I Also intend on getting my blog sale up and running by end of today or tomorrow. Make sure to check it out if you're interested in Barry M, an Accesorize bow trilby, Vintage shoes and much more! I'm also having a bit of a clear out of my work and have some illustrations that I want to sell the originals of, I'm not sure whether to do this over my blog sale or etsy or whatttt.

I'm currently working on my Gabby Young and Other Animals poster. I received an email Monday morning stating the imminent release of the album and that Gabby loved so many of the pitches that she wants to create a tiled illustration for the inside of the album artwork, so I sent of my release contract now just need to get it finished. I've got the concept all on paper, just filling out the main colour blocks at the moment. I work a lot in different stages and usually revert back to past ones over and over! I think I've pretty much got you up to date with what's happening in my life right now, I hope you'll all having a marvelous week!
I need/ want more commissions so here's some shameless self promotion for you, I love working for other people so if you fancy that at all don't hesitate to email me jaymie89(@)live.co.uk to shoot the shit (love that expression) about ideas, rates etc.


Runway Edit


proenza schouler


Philip Lim


Here we have a collection of some of my favourtie catwalk looks from Proenza Schouler, Thakoon, Phillip Lim and Celine. Proenza Schouler are one of my favourite collections to lust over, they fill me with inspiration overload and provides that much needed eye candy to my life. It is every inch the persona and look I want to chanel in those cold dreary months... that certain polished goth, vampy character with the rich dark colours and velvet textures and elements of sheer to counter balance it all. The fall ready to wear Thakoon collection is to put simply is just stunning. The middle dress that I chose, with it's different shades of grey, intricate pattern and shape, styled with opaque tights and hot to trot (ha!) fur trim shoes, jadore it all! Whack a faux fur coat over that bad boy and I would be set. Phillip Lim is another of my ultimate designers, the last dress in the sequence just screams old Hollywood glamour. I envision a women in the 1940s, not miles away from the type of beauty that Grace Kelly owned, who lived an exotic life full of wonder and betrayal wearing the creation to one of her exciting affairs with stained red lips and loose waved chignon, a be-fitting look for any red carpet. There's something about CELINE,the different looks within the fall collection from extrovert feathers, to country heritage to classic cut crisp lines. I'm a little bit in love with the tan oversize cardigan with leather pocket detailing.
yum yum yum.


Get Cape, Wear Cape.

Another of my A/W wardrobe must haves, like so many others is the elusive cape that has been plastered all over the September issues. Here are some of my personal picks...

1. Asos £70
2. Zara £80
3. Zara £99
4. Primark £25
5. Primark£15
7. UO £325 

I'm really feeling khaki green, tan or a deep chocolate brown colour. The khaki green cape pictured 1st from ASOS is pretty near to perfect for me, I would style it with a pair of deep blue indigo skinnies  (khaki and blue ♥) a cream sweater, abundance of rings and a spyglass necklace just to really portray that certain Sherlock Holmes genasaqua (Yeah I had to google how to spell that...) I am still loving Primarks military inspired cape a steal at £25, I still haven't actually seen it in store yet but then I haven't been in Primark for a while. The Urban Outfitters cape is just ridiculously astonishingly overpriced but I had already copied and pasted before I saw the price. I'm sure there's a cheapy cheap version of it in tesco ;)

I have officially hit 100 followers today, thank you everyone that subscribes or follows and takes the time to read and comment. I love checking out all your blogs and finding some right gems to bookmark. I also love that I recognise the names that frequently comment, you are all too sweet!


Edit: Fortnightly feature on UNTRIEDmagazine my first feature is now up and can be found here.



Not only am I looking forward to wearing my new winter coat, deep vampy lip and nail colours and snuggling up all cosy with a hot chocolate this Autumn but also the return of Gossip Girl for season 4 on ITV2. After seeing the teaser trailer I can't wait! To be honest with you I lost the plot with series 3 because it seemed to involve a whole lot of Nate slagging it about and Serena doing the same old, same old. But Laduree, Paris and the abundance of fashion it looks like this is going to be a good one!

All things Gossip Girl I was inspired to do a Blair Waldorfs illustration.
Oh to have her life... but not be a total bitch at the same time, perfect!

Click to make bigger just it went all funny and pixely when i tried!


It's all about...


From the 'Oh you pretty things' SS'10 Chelsea Rebelle collection.

It's got to be said that I am a little obsessed with pretty looking collars. I want my wardrobe to be full of peter pan and chelsea collared dresses this A/W. I love the idea of attachable collars to liven up a boring neckline. I am crushing hard on the first Chelsea Rebelle outfit, high waisted-check, bows-check, sheer-check, peter pan collar- check, What more could you ask for? Well maybe a bra but you win some you lose some.

Miu Miu SS10 the prints, still got big love for this collection.

I will forever love garments that have cats printed on them, fact.

Ban.Do attachable collars, flower garland and black bow.

Ribbon and bows are another obsession of mine and this Ban.Do black bow attachable collar piece is rather beautiful, I'm going to do a bit of a DIY job to create my own, easy peasy.

My hand-made floral collar.

I started making my own collar the other week using my trusty brother sewing machine but I kept getting distracted so only finished it the other day (for those who are observant may spy that I like using these flowers in illustrations as well, Eugene Lin, flame hair girl-header, sewn flowers ftw!) I made all the flowers individually using bits of material and sewing them all together and repeatedly creating a pattern I then attached them all together. I used poppers to fasten the collar at the back. I have also attached a safety pin to the back of the front flower (I hope that makes sense!) so that it can be pinned down to the garment that I'm wearing, so it doesn't fling about everywhere. I think it will look gorge with a little cream lace dress and my nice black coat this autumn. I'm thinking of making another one in black and white to team with a little black dress, time for experimentation with different looks!


Eugene Lin Illustration


An illustration I did for Amelias Magazine for a Eugene Lin interview which can be found here!


I miss...


I miss my friend Llaura, I miss my hair being longer, I miss webcam funtimes.

Aware look like a knob in this pictures but skype and photobooth called! I've just been looking through my webcam pictures and decided I either really need my inbuilt camera being fixed or to buy a new one because I miss my webcam.
Herrrrrow panda hat spied in the third picture!




I need all your lovely thoughts and help! I've recently been thinking a lot about setting up an Etsy shop and I would love to know what you guys would be interested in buying. What sort of thing would you like to see from my Etsy shop? Any certain prints? I was thinking of buying some canvas bags from Ebay & printing illustrations on to them, keen? All ideas and suggestions welcome! If any of you have any Etsy shops please leave me a comment with a link and i'll be sure to check them out.
Thanks guys!

Give-away winner announced!


I've just noted everyone down that posted a comment on my give-away post or emailed me with their entry and assigned each person a number in which I had written them down and  I used http://www.random.org/ to find the winner and it produced me with... Melissa! I will be emailing you to let you know and find out your details, congrats!

Thankyou to everyone that entered my very first give-away. I love making up parcels and giving gifts so keep your eyes peeled for more to come. I'm only 13 followers away from 100 and I appreciate each and everyone of you!

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