Thunder only happens when it's raining.


Brighton 27/06/11
Hot Ass Day.

Well what a lovely summer that was. Torrential downpours and thunderstorms ensued today, as promised. It pretty much look apocalyptic at 2 o'clock when I went for lunch. I had to take a double take when I looked out of the doors and it was pitch black, freaky! I Had such a lovely day down by the coast yesterday. I'm so glad we took advantage of the sunshine. I think I caught a little sun... I don't tan easy but I would rather do it safely by using high factor suncream. I don't want to wreck my skin or make it all wrinkly and leathery well before it's time.

When it's as hot as it was yesterday, all I want to eat is Ice cream and drink ice cold drinks. A shandy goes down so well #hardcore. What's your perfect cool you down treat?

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rosedl said...

yaaay I'm glad you enjoyed Brighton! did you look round the Lanes and stuff in town?

Weather was awfu today like you said :( oh well lets hope it brightens up!

Jaymie said...

It scared the shit out of me rose today! so loud almost gave me a heart attack.
yes big love for brighton hun. I love the lanes but didn't go around there yesterday did marina and general beach and pier!

Lindy-lou said...

Jealous of the icecream! No screwball?! X

Emma Harold said...

Ah Brighton, I do love it there! Your pictures make it look beautiful! :]

Emma xx

Kate said...

Brighton looks so lovely, i'd love to go one day! Great photos :) x