Past Times

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Sissy poo and I.

Hey guys! I've been MIA and that's all down to my bloody router at home ceasing to work and completely packing up, so I've had no internet connection on a laptop only my phone which has been such a pain. I even scheduled posts while I was away in Bath last weekend but they didn't post because of blogger deciding to bitch about too. Ah technology. Speaking of Bath I had such a good, relaxing and fun weekend. On the Sunday we went to the Thermae spa and thoroughly chilled the hell out in the saunas, jacuzzi and pool. We also had a full body scrub and a body massage for the treatment which was a-m-a-zing! I can see how they become addictive that's for sure.

This illustration up above is for a little self iniated project I'm working on based on old photographs because I love nothing more then flicking through old albums and reminiscing about times gone by. I decided I would illustrate some of my favourite ones, because hey it's what I do.

I don't know when I'll be able to get on to the Internet via laptop again so I'm going to schedule some posts and try to get back to some of you (I promise once everyones sorted I will and even if I haven't managed to yet I do read all your comments, emails or tweets thanks to my phone!) I'm going to have a chilled Friday in at my friends after I've been on here. Drink tea and watch the 2nd corrie. Oh my god. Anyone else watch it? I know I'm lame but I do like a bit of Corrie. How mental is John? Happy Weekend all!

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Lindy-lou said...

Aww I remember this pic :)
Personal hotspot blog fun times.
So will need the spa after Sunday x