Put a ring on it.


 Rings avalible to buy on Etsy all made by myself.

We finally have a new router so I'm able to use the wireless on my laptop properly now. Oh how I have missed you, wifi! I'm uploading the rings I made at the weekend to my Etsy shop now. Ranging from £4 - £10. All of the rings are real gem stones so therefore will be totally unique as no two stones are alike. I bought all these stones whilst I was in Bristol from a little science/ museum shop. I have each of the stones to a silver plated ring so will fit any finger sizes. My absolute favourites are the turquoise (made one for myself too!) the purple quartz and the statement rings! Every one of these rings is for sale but I've only managed to upload a few this evening as takes quite a long time and I am knackered and have more I need to do this evening, but there is only one available of each! So if you do like any, be hasty!

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Amy said...

These look fab! I'm going to buy one for my Mum, she loves gem stones (I may steal it from time to time...)


Safe in the Steep Cliffs said...

This is so creative of you to do! How were you able to adhere them on the ring? Wait... Did you use E6000?

That's what I use for mine {:

Carolyn said...

awesome rings! especially love the purple quartz one

Danni said...

Ohhh my gosh, I love the amethyst one, just off to have a browse now! x

Oh, My Darling said...

Gemstone awesomeness!