Nutshell: Septemeber

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Breakfast in A Canteen in Chelmsford, Windsor Castle and Eton.

Pizza for two, Ice-Cream in the sun at Green Park, Pretty bouquet of flowers.

Ping Pong, Matt and I in Covent Garden, Buckingham Palace gardens.

Late night runs and finding cats, Gatsby enjoying being back home, yo sushi feast.

Lady Dinah's Cat Cafe best place on earth, Purrfect coffee, V&A Gardens with Ella. 

End of the World party at Scala, Butterbeer stand, Diagon Alley.

Dog Show in Highlands Park, Bubblegum ice-cream, Fancy Cars in the Park.

September was a mixed bag of feeling incredibly ill with a stomach bug and having some really fun days out. Gatsby was also a very poorly kitty but luckily is on the mend now and on a special diet, being treated like the consieur, diva, prima donna that he is.

Now that September is at its end, I am looking forward to darker nights and onesie wearing evenings in doors, with hot chocolate and Downton Abbey on TV. My Winter coats are itching to come out of my wardrobe and invade my outfits and I can't wait.

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Danny said...

so many lovely pictures! loved the cat coffee haha