Home made lemonade

Today Illustration 21/05/11

Quick today style illustration I did on Saturday on really rubbish paper so that's why it's rubbbbish... promise haha. So not impressed with the quality of sketchbooks that I find in town, but I was in despo need so had to purchase a Whsmith one, ew. I'm heading to the little art shop where I usually buy my sketchbooks today to stock up! I've got the day off today so a to do list is already commencing. 

I really need to start planning my outfit for the Marie Antoinette party, help! Do you think I could get away with wearing this dress? Teamed with pale skin, drawn beauty mark, curled hair and up, red lips? Give me some ideas loves. I need to make a pot of tea, watch the film and doodle I think!

Check out the new SWEATzine which I contributed to. If you buy the physical copy you get a commemorative Royal Wedding illustration to pull out and keep which I drew, banging!

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Tiffany Kadani said...

It's such a great dress! And you could style it in so many different ways.

Rachel, Cold Knees said...

yes that dress is lovely, you definitely could! Maybe with a slip or something underneath? xx