Pretty in pink.

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M&M Street.

Dragged my mum off to a different zumba class this morning which was hilarious and fun! I swear I must have the weakest calves ever because they always feel so painful after I do think having the wii game and the dvds make picking it up a lot easier and my staminas got better I am still rather uncordinated at times. I need to get back into doing my wii routine and the dvds as I've been a bit slack on it. I'm going to water aeoribics this evening so at least today I will have had a good dose of excercise! I'll be working off the M&M m and Zizzi induced bloatedness from yesterday. If you live close enough to check out M&M world it's amazing so much bigger then the NY (still immense though!)

I've been filligngmy pretty new pink indian hand made paper notebook with ideas for my Dandelion Dreams shop. I'm thinking themed pieces  I started printing out some transfers on Sunday onto tote bags from my Stargazer print after Tonya said she would love a top with it on (which I will also be making!) check it out here (nothing on it yet, so not really worth checking out haha) I've also started a tumblr, finally.

I'm no stranger to using pattern and I'm not adverse to the odd bit of typography (check out my attempt in my Blog header) I recommend reading or buying 'Hand Job, a catalog of type' By Michael Perry if you enjoy looking at whacky fonts, intricate patterns and graphic art. Flicking through the book fills me with inspiration to try out my own different shapes and ideas to form different text. No doubt I'll be filling my notebooks with font doodles later on tonight.

I watched the last Glee episode of the series and I'm already mourning it. I've only got two more Mad Men to watch then I'm done with them, sad face. I'm starting to get into Camelot, after watching the feature length first episode. I'm going to go munch some spaghetti bolognaise now so I'm not totally full and sink in the swimming pool tonight! nomanomnom.

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