bb bakery afternoon tea and london sightseeing

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 Top Three Photos Via BB Bakery

Picture the scene, a beautiful old route master bus, vintage tables and seats, filled to the brim with endless amounts of tea and a variety of delicious treats to keep you satisfied as you see the best of London. Buses just became a whole lot more exciting, forget your head being crammed under a sweaty mans arm pit on your busy commute, instead be crammed full of cake!

If you wasn't sure, I like afternoon teas, and it's been my mission for a while to try as many different ones as possible. I've been Alice and been to the mad hatters tea party, been a chocoholic and visited the charlie and the chocolate factory tea special and got fully festive (in December of coarse) at a Christmas themed one, to name only a few which I have been to (a post is in the works, for my most favourites that I have been to and all the details so hopefully you can maybe check them out yourself) 

It was Mumma O'Cs birthday July 19th and my Sister came across the BB Bakery Tea Sightseeing bus on the Afternoon tea website and was instantly intrigued and thought it would be a great idea for the three OC ladies to go for her birthday celebrations. The day we chose started off particularly hot at the south bank, lovely sunshine, entertainment for the summer holidays and whilst we were sitting on the deck chairs in south bank wonderland the heavens opened and the most torrential sudden rain and thunder storm crept upon us. It became clear before we embarked on the bus (which starts at the tour bus stops near the London Eye) and then as we all boarded it again poured it down, it didn't in one bit ruin it but it would have been extra lovely for the skies to be blue and the sun to be cascading down on all the London scenes. 

The food was absolutely incredible. I was impressed with my vegetarian selection especially the ciabatta, mozzarella and pesto roll which was simple and yummy, as well as the mini quiches and savoury bellinis. My favourite cake part (which is obviously my favourite part in general) was the lemon meringue pie, closely followed by the biscuit type sponge with chantilly cream donned with raspberries and blueberries. The sugary delights did not stop coming, there were cupcakes and macarons and pink little boxes to take the left overs home with you to enjoy later.

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